Arrrrr, me hearties, it be about time I got te makin me website at long last. I been so full and completely peroccupied wit me music fer so long I weren’t free te get the site up ‘n runnin’ but I fine’ly found a moment te throw er together. So here she is!
Me first album be swiftly approaching completion. It’ll be enterin me cannon eftsoon, whereupon I’ll blast it out inte the world fer ye all te hear me first batch o tender love songs. I love ye, me buckos, ‘n me music be me love letter te ye all. Until then, fair sailin ‘n a swift demise te yer most despised and hated o’ arch-enemies.
In the meanwhiles, ye can already listen te th’ demo o’ me first number from me album:
Besides that, me most active goin’s-on’s is on Twitter, so ye’d best be followin’ me, ya scallywags: